A Tomb With A View

By Norman Robbins

Thursday 11th May 2023 – Saturday 13th May 2023

Directed By: Karin Stacey

A Tomb With A View poster

The sinister Tomb family gather in the library for the reading of the last will and testament of their late father, Septimus Tomb.

As tension mounts, questions begin to arise.

Who will benefit most from the will?

Why has there been an extra place laid for dinner?

Will anyone be left alive to inherit?


Lucian Tomb: Jamie Smith

Dora Tomb: Kathryn Stacey

Emily Tomb: Serena Linley

Marcus Tomb: Richard Epton

Monica Tomb: Claire Buckley

Hamilton Penworthy (The Solicitor): Andrew Dowlman

Agatha Hammond (The House Keeper): Mo Beavis

Anne Franklin (The Nurse): Rachel Smith

Freda Mountjoy: Alex Epton

Peregrine (Perry) Potter: Jim Green

Production Team

Director: Karin Stacey

Co-producers: Karin Stacey, Matt Strong

Prompt: Linda Spencer

Costumes: Elaine Smith, Abby Dixon

Set Designer: Lois Penniston

Set Construction: Steve Penniston

Set Painters: Abbey Farmer, Abby Dixon, Alex Dobbins, Anthony Alldread, Grace Peachornby, Lois Penniston

Sound: James Lamb, Emma Houghton

Lighting: Emma Houghton

Stage Crew: Karin Stacey, Alex Dobbins, Grace Peachornby

Make-up Artists: Nina Ball, Kat Hickley and Members of The Group

Graphic Designer: Helen Tyas

Publicity & Marketing: Emma Houghton, Dylan Ward

Photography: Wayne Strong, Dylan Ward

Ticket Sales: Mo Beavis, Dylan Ward

Front of House: Dylan Ward

Refreshments: Andrea Haw & Members of The Group